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Brady Statement on Obamacare Ruling

December 15, 2018

Washington, D.C. — House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after a federal judge in Texas ruled Obamacare is unconstitutional:

“The decision is not surprising. The embarrassingly designed ACA was hastily written by Democrats behind closed doors and stuffed with special interest giveaways that drove up health care costs for millions of working Americans. It’s been a disaster since its partisan and unpopular inception. 

“This, of course, is not the last word. Should the courts ultimately uphold this decision both parties should start over, working together to make health care truly affordable, making sure patients can see local doctors and be treated at local hospitals, and ensuring that patient protections like pre-existing conditions, no lifetime limits, and allowing children to stay on their parents plans until age 26 are preserved.”