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Brady Statement on White House Decision to Delay Panama Trade Promotion Agreement

June 03, 2009

Statement by U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX), Ranking Member of the House Ways & Means Trade Subcommittee, on the White House decision to delay action on the Panama Trade Promotion Agreement:

“It’s disappointing for both the Panama agreement and the larger economic implications. The sales of  American-made products abroad account for a whopping 13 percent of America’s economy and were the single largest contributor to America’s growth last year. If you are serious about getting the economy moving, how can you ignore this critical sector?  

Sadly, the decision to delay sends a disquieting signal to the world that this new government is unwilling to take even the smallest step to lead on the critical global economic issue of trade. It appears to many that the United States is all talk, no action.”
