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Brady Statement on WTO Director-General Race

February 05, 2021

WASHINGTON–The top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) released the following statement after the United States announced its support for the candidacy of Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as the next Director General of the World Trade Organization:

“I am pleased that USTR will join the consensus behind Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as WTO Director-General, the first woman and first African in that position. Given her substantial experience and skills, I’m confident that she will be an effective and responsive leader. I also congratulate Minister Yoo Myung-hee on her strong campaign as well as her lifelong commitment and significant contributions to the rules-based trading system.

“While the Director-General has a key role at the WTO, let’s not forget that the WTO is a member-driven organization. I urge all WTO members to lean in and engage with the United States to achieve meaningful reform without delay so that the WTO can be an effective institution in the modern economy.”