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Brady: With Dems’ Tax Hikes, Foreign Competitors Will Clean Our Clock

September 15, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) appeared on “Kudlow” on Fox Business to discuss the continued fight in the Ways and Means Committee against Democrats’ rush to ram through $3.5 trillion in higher taxes and runaway spending.


CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.


Rep. Brady warned against Democrats’ dangerous expansion of the welfare state and special interest bailouts.


“On Thursday and Friday, Ways and Means Democrats approved nearly a trillion dollars in all sorts of welfare state spending. They’re going to introduce more green welfare subsidies tomorrow. And then as we saw, about $3 trillion of tax hikes with little to no notice. We’re all poring through these thousands of pages. They are intent on ramming this to the House just as soon as possible.”


When asked why small businesses will be stuck with the tab of Democrats’ runaway spending, Rep. Brady said:


“This is exactly what we said was coming: an economic surrender. We’re going to lose jobs to China, Russia, Europe, and other countries. They’re going to clean our clock.”




READ: Biden is Waving White Flag of Economic Surrender


  • Democrats’ Dangerous Expansion of the Welfare State: In their socialistic march towards $3.5 trillion, Democrats spent $314 billion last week in a dangerous expansion of the welfare state.


READ: STUDY: Dems’ Expanded Unemployment Benefits to Blame for Main Street’s Hiring Headache


  • Democrats’ Crushing Mandates on Main Street: Democrats also approved $650 billion in government spendingthat will trigger higher prices and job-killing tax hikes, and included huge subsidies for the wealthy and big business.


READ: Bidenflation Continues to Burn Small Businesses


  • Republicans Are Putting Up a Fight in Committee: Click here and here to read all the commonsense amendments Ways and Means Republicans offered to curb fraud, support blue-collar workers, and protect seniors and their health care.


TOOLKIT: Fighting President Biden’s Crippling Tax Hikes on Middle Class, Small Businesses