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Brady, W&M GOP Ask Biden Administration to Offer Jobs Estimate on COVID Plan

February 09, 2021

WASHINGTON – President Biden is insistent that Congress must spend close to $2 trillion in further stimulus in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Republicans have been firm that any relief must be targeted and aimed at rebuilding our economy and crushing the virus. Which is why Ways and Means Republican Leader Kevin Brady (R-TX) led a letter with Committee Republicans to the Administration asking a simple question: Where are the jobs in this stimulus package?

“The global pandemic and related economic lockdowns have led to a significant increase in unemployment across the country. While the federal government has already spent approximately $3.5 trillion dollars to provide relief to struggling Americans, we should not lose sight of the fact that those that are struggling due to the pandemic are largely struggling due to job loss,” Rep. Brady wrote.

It is absolutely essential that any additional relief be effectively and efficiently targeted towards creating jobs and getting Americans safely back to work,” Rep. Brady wrote. “We write to ask that you provide an estimate by the Biden Administration (not an outside third party) on the number of jobs expected to be created by the President’s proposed $1.9 trillion Covid-relief legislation.”

Ways and Means Democrats announced yesterday that they plan to have the Committee debate this $2 trillion package this week. Having the Biden Administration provide this information is paramount as lawmakers debate the economic merits of this package.

Joining Rep. Brady on the letter include Ways and Means Members: Reps. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Vern Buchanan (R-FL), Adrian Smith (R-NE), Tom Reed (R-NY), Mike Kelly (R-PA), Jason Smith (R-MO), Tom Rice (R-SC), David Schweikert (R-AZ), Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Darin LaHood (R-IL), Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Jodey Arrington (R-TX), Drew Ferguson (R-GA), Ron Estes (R-KS), Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Kevin Hern (R-OK), and Carol Miller (R-WV).

CLICK HERE to read the full letter.