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Camp, Brady Question Democrat Refusal to Study Impact on American Jobs of Not Passing the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement

June 18, 2009

Today, Democrats voted against an amendment that would have directed the Department of Commerce to study the impact on American jobs of not passing the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement. 

Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Dave Camp responded, “If Democrats really think that this agreement will cost us American jobs, then they should embrace an analysis conducted by the Obama Administration.  Democrats rejected this amendment because they know that the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement would create good jobs in America, and that would be difficult to explain to their anti-trade union backers. The agreement would increase U.S. exports by at least $1 billion and level the playing field for American workers.  I hope that the Administration will conduct this analysis, because it will clearly show the need for Congress to pass this important agreement.”
Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady noted, “Instead of creating an opportunity to study the agreement and determine whether there is any negative impact, the Democrat leadership has decided to squelch the facts at the behest of political interests. They know that the analysis will prove without a doubt that Americans will benefit from opening the Colombian market to U.S. exports, as the independent International Trade Commission has already found, and the cost of further delay is carried by the American people.”

Background: Congressman Aaron Schock (IL-18) offered an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, and Science Department Appropriations bill that would have directed the Department of Commerce to study the impact on American jobs of not passing the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement.  While 179 Republicans voted for the amendment, 236 Democrats voted against it.
