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Camp, Brady Statement on President’s Announcement on South Korea Trade Agreement

June 26, 2010

Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) and Trade Subcommittee Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) today made the following statements in reaction to the President’s announcement concerning the pending US-South Korea Trade Promotion Agreement.

CAMP: “ I welcome the news that the President is setting up a process to resolve the outstanding issues surrounding the U.S.-South Korea trade agreement by the next G-20 meeting in November, culminating in the submission of the agreement to Congress.  I hope that this process will provide us an opportunity to address market access for autos and beef and increase the value of the trading relationship.   I look forward to also establishing a process to resolve the outstanding issues raised by critics of the Colombia and Panama agreements so they, too, can be implemented.  Every day these agreements languish, American made goods and services face unnecessary tariffs and other trade barriers — costing Americans market access and jobs here at home.”

BRADY: “It’s encouraging that the White House is moving forward on this vital agreement that Congress has unfortunately ignored for three years. I urge all parties to come to the table in good faith so that we may reach agreement and open a significant new market in the Asia Pacific for American products and services. Korea is an important security and trading partner to the U.S.”
