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Camp Comments on President’s Address to Joint Session of Congress

February 24, 2009

Camp Comments on President’s Address to Joint Session of Congress

Washington D.C. – Ways & Means Ranking Member Dave Camp made the following statement tonight after President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress:

“The President deserves much credit for his willingness to tackle health care reform, the budget deficit, Social Security and the recession all at once.  It is a bold agenda, but these times demand bold action”. 

“However, I worry that Democrat leaders in Congress will take that as a cue to raise taxes.  The Administration has already hinted it wants to raise both investment taxes and those paid by small businesses”. 

“Let me be clear: raising taxes in a recession is absolutely the wrong direction to head in.  We need to restrain federal spending and target all available resources at immediate job creation.  Our failure to cut spending and prevent massive tax increases will result in further job losses and doom future generations to pay off an even larger debt”.
