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Camp Participates In and Reacts to White House’s “Fiscal Responsibility Summit”

February 23, 2009

“Clearly, we are facing historic challenges right now, but those donot minimize the looming crisis we face in Social Security, health carecosts and the nation’s debt.  I applaud the President for recognizingthese issues and prodding Congress to act before critical services mustbe cut or we incur unprecedented levels of debt.

“I am worried about the early rumors of substantial tax increases oninvestment and small businesses and the result those will have on jobcreation.  Families are hurting and far too many are looking for work. We need a pro-growth, pro-family and pro-small business tax code.

“Hopefully, this summit was a starting point, not an ending point. Hopefully, the President will insist Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reidmove forward in a truly bipartisan manner.  If they are willing tolisten to us and work with us on the tax provisions, we might enjoyreal success on the policy front and on behalf of American families. However, if this goes the way of the stimulus package – and railroadingis preferred to compromising – then I have my doubts about theviability of any reform, let alone reforms large enough to tacklehealth care costs, Social Security, taxes and the federal debt.”
