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Camp Statement on August Jobs Report

September 05, 2014

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R- MI) issued the following statement on the August jobs report.

“We are still not seeing the job growth Americans deserve.  Worse yet, a record number of Americans have dropped out of the labor force altogether.  The Senate needs to act on the over forty House-passed jobs bills so we can jumpstart this economy.  This month, the House will vote on another package of jobs bills, including bipartisan tax bills that strengthen the economy, and allow businesses to grow, create new jobs, and increase wages for their employees.  It is time for this Administration to engage Congress in a serious discussion of how we can overhaul our uncompetitive tax code and complete high-quality trade agreements to open new markets to American-made goods and services.  This is critical to creating more jobs and higher wages that hardworking Americans across the country need in these tough economic times.”
