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Camp Statement on December Jobs Report

January 06, 2012

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement in reaction to the December jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor.  A net total of 200,000 jobs were created and the unemployment rate for December was 8.5 percent, marking 35 consecutive months during which the unemployment rate has exceeded 8 percent.  If we were to account for all the Americans that have simply given up looking for a job, the unemployment rate would still be well above 9 percent.
“Despite today’s stronger than normal jobs report, the fact that the unemployment rate remains this high this long after the Obama Administration’s so-called stimulus program makes it clear that Washington is standing in the way of sustained, strong economic growth.  The uncertainty resulting from short-term policies, especially on fundamental issues like taxes, is weakening our economy as workers and employers are left wondering what their costs will be tomorrow.  The payroll tax holiday, now set to expire in less than 60 days, is just the tip of the iceberg.  Lurking below the waters is the largest tax increase in history on every working American.  This may be an election year, but the President still has a responsibility to work with Congress to govern and ensure that, as he once said, we don’t raise taxes in a recession.  Providing that kind of certainty is critical to spurring investment and hiring, and I urge the President to move beyond the campaign rhetoric and work with the members of both parties in the House and Senate on comprehensive tax reform that will strengthen our economy and get Americans back to work.”
