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Camp Statement on Democrat Health Care Plan

June 19, 2009

Ways and Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement regarding the limited portions of the health care plan unveiled by House Democrats today:

“The Democrats are refusing to reveal the price tag of this bill or how they will pay for it, but it is obvious it will cost well over a trillion dollars.  We will certainly need to examine the details, but I fear this plan will force tens of millions of Americans to lose their current health care coverage and put the federal government in charge of determining what doctors and treatments are available to patients.  Those dangers will be magnified by the hundreds of billions of dollars in hidden tax increases that could cause millions more Americans to lose their jobs. 

“Americans need a real bipartisan solution on health care this bill isn’t.  The sooner Democrats invite us to sit down together, not just as Republicans and Democrats, but as Americans, the sooner we can craft a commonsense solution that will make health care more affordable, accessible and available for all Americans.”
