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Camp Statement on President’s Budget

February 14, 2011

Washington, DC – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) today issued the following statement in reaction to the release of the Administration’s budget:
“It is time to say ‘enough is enough’ and put a stop to the government’s deficit spending spree.  It is time for Washington to learn to live within its means. We need a serious plan to address our out of control spending and our anemic economy – this is neither.

“In the face of record-high deficits and continued high levels of unemployment, a budget that imposes massive job-killing tax hikes on small businesses and fails to address entitlement reform or tax reform is hardly the answer.  Rather than setting the stage for broad-based, pro-growth tax reform, this budget goes in the opposite direction with more tax hikes.  Moreover, there is no plan to deal with the unsustainable costs of our entitlement programs.  The failure to do so puts too great a strain on these programs, those who rely on them and the taxpayers who fund them.  It is time for the Administration to work openly and honestly with Congress on substantive reforms.  Mr. President, rather than waiting to see who goes first, let us tackle these challenges together.”
