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Camp Statement on President’s Call For Job-Killing Tax Hikes

July 09, 2012

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) made the following statement in reaction to the President’s call to raise taxes:

“Republicans have called for a fairer, flatter and simpler tax code that lowers rates, gets rid of lobbyist loopholes and creates more economic growth and jobs.  The President is simply calling for higher taxes on families, small businesses and investors, which will only further weaken an already fragile economy.  His support for another job-killing tax hike will only provide Washington more money to feed its insatiable appetite for reckless spending.  The answer to our weak economy is not to take more money from Americans – the answer is to put American families and job creators first.  House Republicans will vote this month to stop the tax hike on every American and create a path for tax reform that levels the playing field for the hardworking Americans and businesses trying to compete in a global economy.”
