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Camp Statement on the 2009 Trustees Report

May 12, 2009

Washington D.C. – Ways & Means Ranking Member Dave Camp (R-MI) released the following statement today after the release of the annual Trustees Report: 

“The Trustees Report confirms what we already know: Medicare and Social Security are fast running out of critical funds and without action they are speeding toward bankruptcy.  So, today, I and many of my colleagues will again sound the alarm.  The question is: will Congress again turn a deaf ear?  I hope not.  The risks are real and the health and retirement security of tomorrow’s seniors depend upon Congress and the President working together.  I was encouraged when President Obama spoke about the need for reform back in January.  I am equally encouraged by Majority Leader Hoyer’s recent call for action.  But frankly, calls for reforms are not enough.  It is time for action and it is time to make the tough choices to put Medicare and Social Security back on a sound financial footing.  Entitlement reform should be a bipartisan effort that starts today.”
