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Questions For The Record

December 21, 2020 Health Provisions and Achievements in End of Year Package

Ending surprise medical bills when you visit the ER or have a scheduled medical procedure, and, for the first time,…

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January 20, 2011 Kevin A. Hassett, Ph.D.

March 21, 2011 Committee on Ways and Means U.S. House of Representatives 1102 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-6348…

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January 20, 2011 Warren S. Hudak

Warren Hudak Responses to Questions for the Record Ways & Means Committee February 22, 2011   Evasion at the Individual…

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January 20, 2011 Robert McDonald

Responses to Questions for the Record submitted to Robert McDonald for the Committee on Ways and Means hearing on Fundamental…

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January 20, 2011 Nina E. Olson

The Honorable Dave CampChairmanCommittee on Ways and MeansUnited States House of RepresentativesWashington, D.C.  20515 Dear Chairman Camp: I am writing…

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January 20, 2011 Dr. Martin A. Sullivan

1. What are the statistics regarding tax compliance by individuals? Details are important, and on the issue of tax compliance…

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