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Social Security Watch

December 15, 2022 Letter: Teachers, Police, Firefighters Deserve Equal Treatment in Social Security

In a new letter to Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Richard D. Neal (D-MA), Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) called for providing public…

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October 24, 2022 Fact Check: Biden Has Crashed the Economy and Wants to Blame Republicans

President Biden has shrunk the economy and fueled inflation. His $2 trillion partisan so-called stimulus paid workers more to stay…

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June 30, 2022 Fact Check: President Biden is Dead Wrong on Inflation

After the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation increased by 6.3 percent from the year previous, Ways and Means Republican…

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June 29, 2022 WRAP-UP: Democrats’ Tax and Expand Solutions Fail to Put Social Security on Sustainable Footing

In a Ways and Means Republican meeting titled “Democrats’ Partisan Approach to Social Security Hurts Current and Future Workers,” expert…

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May 17, 2022 Hern: Americans Struggle to Get Help from Social Security Administration

In opening remarks for a Social Security Subcommittee hearing, acting Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK) emphasized that Americans are…

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November 04, 2013 FACT: Chained CPI Would Result In a Larger COLA Increase for 2014

MYTH:“Chained CPI would cut the 2014 Social Security cost-of-living increase of 1.5 percent to 1.2 percent.” – Robert Romasco, president of…

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June 07, 2013 A Guide to the 2013 Social Security Trustees Report By Charles Blahous

The Social Security and Medicare trustees released our annual reports last Friday, May 31. These reports set forth the state…

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April 18, 2013 Lew’s Conflicting Statements on Chained CPI – an Example of What’s Wrong in Washington

Included in the President’s budget proposal was a change to the way Social Security measures inflation – moving from the…

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