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The Prescription Pad

August 04, 2022 Analysis: Americans Don’t Support Surrendering Innovation for Democrats’ Drug Price Controls

Democrats are selling their socialist drug pricing scheme as a way to lower prices, but Americans oppose it once they…

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August 03, 2022 Patient Suffering Due to Less Innovation Dangerously Outweighs Short-term Savings

“There is simply no way for government fiat to force down costs without harming innovation, especially at the startups and…

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August 02, 2022 Study: Democrats’ Price Controls Would Have Killed 104 Cures We Have Today

Democrats’ price-fixing scheme would kill up to 342 cures, according to a study by the University of Chicago, yet they…

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August 02, 2022 Biden’s Favorite Economic Forecaster: Tax Hike Bill “Not a Game Changer,” Only “Nudges” Inflation

Following the Penn-Wharton Budget Model debunking Democrats’ central claim that their Inflation and Recession Act would reduce the deficit, President…

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August 01, 2022 FACT CHECK: Schumer Manchin Tax Increases Worsen Inflation, Delay Deficit Reduction, Weaken the Economy

American families are being crushed by 40-year high inflation thanks to Democrats’ $2 trillion spending package last year. Now that…

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February 03, 2022 Brady: Dems’ Partisan Bill Sidelines America, Does Nothing to Hold China Accountable

On House Democrats’ partisan, so-called “competitiveness bill,” top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)…

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November 17, 2021 Bidenflation’s Latest Victim: Seniors’ Medicare Costs Soaring

Tucked away in a Friday evening news dump, the Biden Administration announced the largest increase in Medicare premiums and deductibles…

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September 22, 2021 Topline: Ways & Means Democrats’ Reconciliation Bill

Ahead of Democrats’ numerous White House meetings attempting to get House and Senate Democrats on the same page about their…

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October 28, 2014 NYT Wrong, Again, on ObamaCare

Yesterday, The New York Times, a consistent cheerleader for ObamaCare, questions: Is the Affordable Care Act Working?  It should come…

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