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Chairman Brady Announces Gary Andres as Committee Staff Director

April 23, 2018

Washington, D.C. – Today, Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced Gary Andres as the new Majority Staff Director of the Ways and Means Committee:

“I am thrilled to announce Gary Andres as the new staff director of the Committee. Gary is a seasoned public policy expert with decades of experience at the White House, on Capitol Hill, and in the private sector. His wisdom and leadership will be critical as we work to build off this newfound economic momentum and help American families thrive.”

Andres served Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush as Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs (1989-1992) and as a member of the Cabinet Confirmation team (2001).

Andres served as Majority Staff Director of the House Energy and Commerce Committee from January 2011 until February 2017.

Andres also has private sector experience at the Biotechnology Innovation Organization and Dutko Worldwide. He earned a Ph.D. in public policy and an MA in political science from the University of Illinois-Chicago. He holds a BA from Wheaton College.