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Chairman Brady Closing Remarks in Support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the House Floor

November 16, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today delivered the following closing remarks on the House Floor in support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Remarks as delivered:

“Mr. Speaker, this historic legislation before us today represents a crucial step to fulfilling our tax reform promise to the American people.

“But it’s not the final step.

“We’re Republicans. We believe the tax code doesn’t belong to Washington, it belongs to the American people. We’ll continue to work to make it better and improve at every step of the way.

“And before I make final remarks, I want to thank all of our Ways and Means Members – who have done so much and worked so hard – as well as every Member of this House, who helped make this opportunity real for the American people.

“I also want to say how grateful I am to everyone at the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation and the House Office of Legislative Counsel – their work and careful analysis contributed so much to this bill.

“Finally, I want to give special recognition to Barbara Angus, our Chief Tax Counsel at Ways and Means, and all of our staff on the Committee. They put their hearts and their souls – and many sleepless nights – into the development of this bill. I can’t thank them enough for their hard work and dedication.

“Mr. Speaker, the House of Representatives is – by its very design – the chamber of Congress closest to the American people.

“And today, this House – the People’s House – will pass historic legislation to improve the lives of Americans nationwide.

“For too long, this broken tax code has put the needs of the people second – propping up Washington special interests at the expense of hardworking Americans.

“For too long, this broken tax code has rewarded companies for outsourcing American jobs instead of encouraging them to create jobs here at home.

“For too long, this broken tax code has eroded America’s economic leadership around the world.

“You know, this country used to be the standard-bearer worldwide for competitive tax systems. Not anymore.

“Now, the United States is barely a speck in the rear-view mirrors of so many of our international competitors.

“And our businesses, our workers, our ‘Made in America’ products – which are the best in the world – are bearing the consequences of Washington’s failure to act.

“That. Stops. Now.

“And it stops with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

“With this historic bill, we will provide real simplicity for every taxpayer.

“We will deliver real fairness to every hardworking American.

“We will be more competitive than ever.

“We will win worldwide and here at home, as well.

“And we will see better jobs and bigger paychecks in every community of this great nation, so people can keep more of their hard-earned dollars.

“With this bill, we will deliver a new tax code built for a new era of American prosperity.

“So, to Washington special interests who are now being propped up by absurd carve-outs and loopholes – get ready to stand on your own.

“To our international competitors who are now leading the pack – get ready to have some company.

“And, to the American people who have waited years for tax reform – get ready for the tax relief you deserve.

“Today, this House – the People’s House – is taking action on the most transformational tax overhaul in a generation. And we’re taking action today.

“It’s time for this old broken tax code to go. It’s time to put the American people first.”