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Chairman Brady Opening Statement at Health Subcommittee Member Day Hearing

May 17, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today delivered the following opening statement at a Health Subcommittee Member Day hearing entitled “Tax-Related Proposals to Improve Health Care.”

Remarks as prepared for delivery:
“Thank you, Chairman Tiberi and Ranking Member McDermott for holding this Member Day hearing.

“It’s my pleasure to welcome all of you here to share your tax ideas to improve our health care system.

“Last week, Tax Policy Subcommittee Chairman Boustany hosted the first Member Day hearing we’ve had in years. Members on both sides of the aisle presented their ideas for improving our current tax system.

“We’re continuing that open and transparent process today with another Member Day hearing focused on a major priority of our Committee. We’re moving forward with innovative solutions to provide Americans more access, better choices, and greater flexibility in health care.

“This hearing is an important opportunity to show the people and families in our districts that we’re serious about making our health care system work better for them.

“A number of provisions in the tax code were created to expand health care access and lower costs for the American people. But some of them work better than others, and some may not be working at all.

“It’s our responsibility to take a hard look at the tax code, build on what’s effective, and fix what’s not delivering results.

“We need bold, forward-thinking solutions to ensure our tax code promotes the high-quality, patient-centered health care options Americans want and need.

“The best way to do that is through an open, transparent, and collaborative process – one that returns us to regular order and allows members to advance the priorities of their constituents.

“That’s what this Member Day hearing is all about. We’re coming together to develop innovative legislative solutions and begin moving them to the floor.

“I’m grateful to all the members who are here today to present proposals. Your participation in this process is invaluable – and it’s a clear illustration of what we can achieve through regular order.

“We’re excited to hear all of your ideas to modernize the tax code and improve our health care system.

“Again, thank you, Chairman Tiberi and Ranking Member McDermott for your hard work and leadership.”