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MARKUP: Chairman Brady Opening Statement at Full Committee Markup

March 16, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Today, House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement during a full Committee markup.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

“As we begin, I’d like to thank Congressman Young and Congressman Davis for their legislation to help foster children across our country. While their bill takes many important steps to modernize the antiquated system used throughout our country, the most important thing that is does is help foster children be placed in better homes sooner. This is a noble goal and an excellent bill. I am so grateful for your commitment to helping children and their families.

“Now, I’d like to talk about the other bills we’ll take action on today.

“People in Texas and across America have made it clear that they want Washington to fight fraud, save taxpayer dollars, make government more accountable, and support commonsense policies.

“That’s what this markup is all about.

“Today, we are moving a ‘savers’ package of three bills that will save a combined $16.5 billion over two years and a total of $98 billion over ten years.

“Chairman Johnson’s bill simply says that a parent needs to supply a Social Security number on their tax form when they claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit. That is already the law when it comes to the earned income tax credit — the refundable tax credit we provide to low-income workers to help them make ends meet. And we should expect the same standard for the child tax credit.

“Congresswoman Jenkins’ bill says that if under Obamacare you received too-high of a taxpayer-funded subsidy to cover the cost of your health insurance, you need to return the overpayment.

“And my bill will end the duplicative Social Services Block Grant program that continues to fail low-income Americans. This program has no accountability, can show no results, and states don’t kick in a dime to its cost. But the program lives on because this town simply refuses to ever end a program, no matter how poorly designed it is.

“Each and every single one of our bills is simply a common sense, good government solution that everyone could support.“In fact, there should be absolutely nothing controversial about:

  1. Confirming a person actually qualifies for a tax credit
  2. Reimbursing taxpayers
  3. And ending government duplication

“And the good news is that by taking these steps, we will make government more accountable and also save tens of billions of dollars.”