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Chairman Brady Opening Statement at a Full Committee Markup of Tax Legislation

September 21, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today delivered the following opening statement at a Committee markup of four tax bills.

Remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Good afternoon and thank you all for being here. Today we are continuing our work to advance the people’s priorities through an open, inclusive legislative process. We’re picking up where we left off in last week’s markup with the consideration of four tax bills that solve challenges related to energy production, student loans, and access to water.

“First up is H.R. 5897, bipartisan legislation authored by Congressmen Rice and Blumenauer. This bill will ensure the effective operation of the tax credit for nuclear energy production.

“Next we have another bipartisan bill by Congresswoman Noem, the ‘Helping Ensure Accountability, Leadership, and Transparency in Tribal Healthcare Act.’

“Congresswoman Noem’s bill offers comprehensive reforms to improve health care in Indian Country. This includes a provision under our Committee’s jurisdiction to help medical professionals in the Indian Health Service who receive assistance with their student loans. The provision ensures they receive the same tax treatment as is provided for medical professionals in the National Health Service. 

“Third we’ll consider the ‘Stop Taxing Death and Disability Act,’ bipartisan legislation championed by Congressmen Roskam and Kind. This bill will protect families from being hit with a large tax bill when federal student loans are forgiven due to death or disability.

“Finally, we have a bill authored by Congressman Ken Buck that addresses tax-exempt organizations organized to help with the efficient allocation of water resources. This important legislation takes action to improve access to water in drought-stricken areas of the country.

“As I have said before, our Committee is dedicated to taking action wherever possible to advance innovative solutions that will help the American people. And today we have several bipartisan solutions before us that have strong support on both sides of the aisle. It’s my hope we can pass these bills with strong bipartisan support just like the legislation we passed last week.

“Again, I want to thank everyone for being here today. And, I want to thank all the Members who crafted the legislation before us for your hard work, leadership, and commitment to delivering solutions for the American people.”