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Chairman Brady, Speaker Ryan Statements on Ways and Means Staff Director David Stewart’s Departure from the Committee

April 12, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) announced today Staff Director David Stewart will be departing the Committee staff.

Upon making this announcement, Chairman Brady released the following statement:

“David has been an invaluable source of strategic counsel and advice, not just to my chairmanship, but to the entire Congress. He played a central, crucial role in passing the first tax reform in a generation. For the past decade, David has been at the center of many major policy decisions Congress has faced on international trade, tax, health care, budget agreements, and more. His fluency in policy, politics, and the institutions of government has enabled him to help successfully enact into law what many people said was impossible. David will be greatly missed by the Ways and Means Committee, members of Congress, and professional staff on both sides of the aisle. I wish him all the best.”

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), former Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, added:

“David is a special talent, and the House owes him greatly for his service. A gifted policy mind and strategist, he was at my side during my run for vice president, and he has been at the center of some of the House’s biggest achievements. There’s seemingly nothing he can’t handle, and his steady hand was critical to enacting comprehensive tax reform. I’m grateful for not just his devotion to the House but also his friendship, and I wish him all the best.”

NOTE: Before leading the Committee on Ways and Means majority staff beginning in November 2015, Stewart served as Policy Director to former Speaker John Boehner. Prior to his tenure as Policy Director for Speaker Boehner, he served as the top economic policy advisor to Boehner both as Speaker and Republican Leader. Stewart also served as Economic Policy Director to Governor Romney and Policy Director to now Speaker Paul D. Ryan during the 2012 presidential campaign. Stewart began his public service holding a variety of policy roles for Representative Phil English (R-PA), who left Congress at the conclusion of the 110th Congress.