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Chairman Camp Announces Republican Membership on Ways & Means Subcommittees for 113th Congress

February 15, 2013

Washington, DC- Today, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) announced the Republican members of the subcommittees for the 113th Congress.  The announcement comes a day after the Republican Steering Committee named the Committee’s final Republican Member, Congressman Jim Renacci (R-OH).

“I congratulate the new and returning Members of each of the subcommittees,” said Camp. “The Committee faces a very busy Congress as we work to make our economy stronger and healthier so families can find good-paying jobs and afford to save and invest for the future.  Establishing the membership for these subcommittees is an important step forward as we pursue an aggressive legislative agenda to make the tax code simpler and fairer; move forward on new opportunities in the global marketplace while holding our trading partners accountable; conduct rigorous oversight – especially as the Administration struggles to implement ObamaCare; and, take action to protect, preserve and prolong the life of our entitlement programs.”

The respective Chairs of the subcommittees were previously announced on January 15, 2013.  

The full list of Committee members can be found here. The Subcommittee assignments are as follows:

Subcommittee on Trade    Subcommittee on Health
Rep. Devin Nunes (CA)*   Rep. Kevin Brady (TX)*
Rep. Kevin Brady (TX)
  Rep. Sam Johnson (TX)
Rep. Dave Reichert (WA)
  Rep. Paul Ryan (WI)
Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL)
  Rep. Devin Nunes (CA)
Rep. Adrian Smith (NE)
  Rep. Peter Roskam (IL)
Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
  Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA)
Rep. Lynn Jenkins (KS)
  Rep. Tom Price (GA)
Rep. Charles Boustany (LA)
  Rep. Vern Buchanan (FL)
Rep. Peter Roskam (IL)
  Rep. Adrian Smith (NE)
Subcommittee on Oversight   Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures
Rep. Charles Boustany (LA)*   Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH)*
Rep. Diane Black (TN)
  Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN)
Rep. Lynn Jenkins (KS)
  Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX)
Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX)
  Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA)
Rep. Tom Reed (NY)
  Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN)
  Rep. Tom Reed (NY)
Rep. Mike Kelly (PA)
  Rep. Todd Young (IN)
Subcommittee on Human Resources  
  Subcommittee on Social Security
Rep. Dave Reichert (WA)*   Rep. Sam Johnson (TX)*
Rep. Todd Young (IN)
  Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH)
Rep. Mike Kelly (PA)
  Rep. Tim Griffin (AR)
Rep. Tim Griffin (AR)
  Rep. Jim Renacci (OH)
Rep. Jim Renacci (OH)
  Rep. Aaron Schock (IL)
Rep. Tom Reed (NY)
  Rep. Mike Kelly (PA)
Rep. Charles Boustany (LA)
  Rep. Kevin Brady (TX)

 Ways and Means Members on Budget Committee
 (House Rules provide that three Majority party Members of the Ways and Means Committee serve on the Budget Committee)
Rep. Paul Ryan (WI)
Rep. Tom Price (GA)
Rep. Diane Black (TN)

*Denotes the Chairman of the subcommittee.
