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Chairman Camp Statement on the Passing of the Honorable Clay Shaw, Jr.

September 11, 2013

Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the statement below on the passing of former Congressman Clay Shaw, Jr. (R-FL).  Shaw was a long-time member of the Ways and Means Committee, chairing three of its subcommittees: Human Resources, Social Security and Trade.  Among his many legislative accomplishments, Chairman Shaw led the historic 1996 welfare reform effort.  

“Clay Shaw was a mentor and a friend.  He was a principled Chairman, a sharp legislative mind and passionate about expanding opportunities for American families.  I learned a great deal from Clay, starting with the 1996 welfare reform effort, his willingness and courage to tackle Social Security reform and his careful management of trade deals.  Clay was a deeply devoted family man, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Emilie, his children and many grandchildren.  Clay Shaw will be deeply missed by all of us at the Ways and Means Committee.  He was one of the finest individuals I have known as well as one of the Committee’s best leaders.”
