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Chairman Reichert Announces Hearing on the Effects of Tariffs on U.S. Agriculture and Rural Communities

July 11, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Dave Reichert (R-WA) announced today that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled “The Effects of Tariffs on U.S. Agriculture and Rural Communities.” The hearing will address the effects on American agriculture and rural communities of both U.S. tariffs imposed under Sections 232 and 301 as well as retaliation imposed by other countries against U.S. exports. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, in 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 2:00 PM.

Chairman Reichert said:

“When the United States uses trade enforcement tools such as tariffs, it should do so in a way that does not harm American farmers, consumers, workers, and manufacturers, either through the negative effects of the tariffs themselves or by attracting retaliation by other countries that destroys our ability to sell high-quality American-made goods and services around the globe. Farmers, growers, and ranchers in my home state of Washington and around the country are significantly hurt because products that they are forced to import to stay competitive — such as agriculture equipment, chemicals, steel, and aluminum — are now prohibitively expensive.  Adding insult to injury, these same farmers, growers, and ranchers are experiencing severe retaliation through prohibitive tariffs and other measures by their major customers including China, Canada, Mexico, and the EU.  This hearing will provide an important opportunity to discuss both the direct and indirect negative effects of the U.S. Section 232 and 301 tariffs on America’s farmers as well as the retaliation they are now experiencing.  It will also be an opportunity to discuss the effects on the rural communities that depend on a vibrant agriculture sector. The agricultural economy is unquestionably dependent on trade, and so it is vital that we get this right – the livelihood of our rural communities depends on it.”