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Chairman Smith Press Conference Remarks Prior to Executive Session with IRS Whistleblowers

December 05, 2023

“President Biden lied. Despite what he claimed, not only has evidence shown he was aware of his office being sold around the world to the benefit of his family, but following the trail of money, it now appears he was both directly involved and directly benefited from his son’s business dealings.”

WATCH: Press Conference with Chairmen Smith, Jordan, and Comer Before Ways and Means Hearing With IRS Whistleblowers

As prepared for delivery.

“Today, the Ways and Means Committee will hear testimony by two credible IRS whistleblowers, who, at great personal and professional risk, have exposed a coordinated effort among the DOJ, Hunter Biden’s attorneys, and others to stop the tax investigation of Hunter Biden from following any leads to his father, Joe Biden. 

“While hearing directly from IRS Agents Shapley and Ziegler, we will also examine new documents they have provided that are protected under Section 6103 of the tax code. I will be asking the Committee to make the proceedings of both our Hearing today and those documents available to the public at the conclusion.

“While I cannot get into specific details about these new documents, it’s important to keep in mind what you already know based on evidence released in this impeachment inquiry so far.

“Number one: President Biden lied. Despite what he claimed, not only has evidence shown he was aware of his office being sold around the world to the benefit of his family, but following the trail of money, it now appears he was both directly involved and directly benefited from his son’s business dealings.

“Number two: Chairman Comer has revealed that President Biden himself, using fake names, attempted to hide his communications from public scrutiny.

“Number three: The Bidens moved an unimaginable sum of money amongst family Members and papered it as ‘loans’ from the International Bank of Joe Biden. The President’s loans to family members raise serious red flags and should have resulted in reported interest income.

“Number four: Kevin Morris, acting as a special benefactor to the Biden family, paid at least $2 million in Hunter Biden’s tax debts during a key time in 2020 when they would have been a huge political liability for the Biden campaign.

“These are facts, not opinions. Today we will consider additional new evidence. And before I hand it off to Chairman Comer, I want to address a key claim Democrats have made that is false.

“Democrats have described the now-over 1,000 pages of released documents and witness testimony, as ‘cherrypicked.’ Despite participating in all transcribed interviews, Democrats have since misrepresented witness testimony that confirms the allegations made by our whistleblowers, and they have failed to provide any contradictory documents. It’s one thing to say it, it’s another thing to back it up. We have backed up every claim we have made.”