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Chairman Smith: The Whistleblowers Were Right All Along, Congress Must Follow Their Leads to Joe Biden

December 13, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Over 1,100 pages of evidence released by the Ways and Means Committee, combined with the recent indictment of Hunter Biden for felony tax crimes, underline how the two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers were right all along. Hunter Biden allegedly committed numerous felony tax crimes and the Department of Justice shielded him from prosecution and protected his father, President Joe Biden, until whistleblower evidence led Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal to fall apart in open court and forced the hand of prosecutors.

Just last week, the Ways and Means Committee heard additional testimony from the whistleblowers and voted to release new evidence showing a clear connection between then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings, as well as how investigators were blocked from pursuing further evidence that pointed to Joe Biden. The transcript of that hearing, in addition to the previously released documents, is now available here.

Chairman Jason Smith said, “The IRS whistleblowers have been completely vindicated with the indictment of Hunter Biden that follows their recommended charges against the president’s son. Congress must continue its investigative work by formally voting to launch an impeachment inquiry into President Biden so the Committees can follow every investigative lead the whistleblowers identified, including those surrounding Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s business dealings. 

“The evidence presented to the committee confirms President Biden lied when he said he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings and was likely complicit in the family’s influence peddling scheme; that the Justice Department actively shielded him from investigation; and that his campaign potentially violated federal campaign finance law when a campaign donor paid off Hunter Biden’s tax liabilities and financed his lifestyle at a value of nearly $5 million. The American people are right to fear a two-tiered system of justice, and I am committed to getting them the answers they deserve. The whistleblowers were right about the Hunter Biden tax case and I’m convinced they are right about the connections to Joe Biden they weren’t allowed to follow.” 

You can read the full transcript of the IRS whistleblowers’ December 5th testimony here and the full transcript of the markup here.

The Evidence CONFIRMS:

Joe Biden lied when he said he had “no knowledge” of his son’s overseas business dealings

  • President Biden exchanged over 300 emails via email aliases with Hunter Biden and his business associate – 54 of those emails were exclusively between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s accountant, Eric Schwerin.
  • Those emails align with official government activity, including an unprecedented three official visits to Ukraine, at the same time Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of Burisma – a Ukrainian company under investigation by the Ukrainian government.
  • Then-Vice President Biden met with his son’s business partners and foreign business associates on numerous occasions, including at the White House, and treated Air Force 2 like a corporate jet to shuttle Hunter Biden and his business associates all over the world.

DOJ took unprecedented actions to limit the scope of the IRS investigation and shield Joe Biden from scrutiny

  • Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf directed all reference to “Political Figure 1” – former Vice President Joe Biden – be removed from a search warrant.
  • During a September 2022 interview with the President’s brother, James Biden, investigators were not allowed to ask if then-Vice President Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s deal with CEFC China Energy or follow “normal investigative leads.”
  • Investigators were prevented from looking into financial transactions between Joe Biden and his son that would normally have been pursued in any similar investigation.

Investigators were blocked from pursuing leads related to serious potential campaign finance crimes involving the Biden campaign

  • Candidates for federal office face strict limits on the size of campaign donations they can receive, $2,800 per election in 2020, and have specific reporting requirements regarding the donations they receive.
  • Whistleblower evidence shows Biden family fixer and Democrat donor, Kevin Morris, not only paid off over $2 million worth of Hunter Biden’s unpaid tax liability but he also paid almost $3 million to finance his lifestyle.
  • The whistleblowers testified they had reason to believe Morris was in communication with the Biden campaign prior to securing the Democrat nomination and evidence shows his efforts were focused on reducing political risk to Joe Biden
  • The evidence indicates that Morris was an advisor to the Biden family, not just Hunter Biden.
  • Spending nearly $5 million to manage a significant political risk to assist a campaign could constitute a campaign contribution millions above the federal limit. 
  • The whistleblowers raised the alarm to prosecutors about a potential criminal campaign finance violation, but Assistant United States Attorney Lesley Wolf stated she was “not personally interested” in pursuing it.    

 Whistleblower Executive Session Documents: