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Committee Approves IPAB Repeal Legislation

March 08, 2012

Washington, DC –  Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Wally Herger (R-CA) released the following statement after the Committee favorably approved H.R. 452, “Medicare Decisions Accountability Act,” legislation to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB):

“There is strong bipartisan support for the repeal of IPAB, and more importantly, repeal is supported by seniors, people with disabilities, and health care providers.  Today, the Ways and Means Committee took action to dismantle another dangerous provision from the Democrats’ health care law.  Repealing IPAB reinforces that doctors and patients – not a board of unelected bureaucrats – should be making health care decisions.  If left in place, IPAB would threaten seniors’ access to health care and would be able to do so without answering to Congress or the American people.”

Vote information:
The Ways and Means Committee, which has primary jurisdiction over IPAB, approved H.R. 452, as amended, by voice vote.
