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Correcting the Record: IRS Has Failed American Taxpayers

January 19, 2022

Within his first year of office, President Biden has overseen $6 trillion in spending – and not a dime was spent to help the IRS address a historically long and painful backlogs or political targeting.


Instead of helping American taxpayers, Democrats gave more responsibilities to the IRS. Worse, President Biden plans to have the IRS surveil the bank accounts of working families, farmers, and small businesses who Democrats assume are tax cheats.


The IRS’s distribution of cash-for-kids welfare checks was plagued with missing payments, access and fraud issues.

  • Ways and Means Republicans Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) urged top Biden Administration officials in letters in April and November to address the rampant fraud and improper payments wasting billions of taxpayer dollars.
  • Studies also found that Democrats’ cash-for-kids welfare checks failed to reach many vulnerable kids.

LETTER: Child Tax Credit Headaches Plague IRS

The agency has failed to resolve current backlogs to help working Americans this tax filing season…

  • From the Washington Post:
    • “The IRS sent more than 14 million ‘math error notices’ and other proposed adjustments to taxpayers, and received 6.2 million messages from taxpayers in response. The IRS took an average of 199 days to respond to taxpayers’ proposed adjustments, compared with the average of 74 days it took the agency to respond in the year before the pandemic.”

LETTER: GOP Members Request Answers on IRS Tax Return Backlog Ahead of Upcoming Filing Season

…and Democrats want to spend $80 billion to weaponize 80,000 new IRS agents against small businesses, families, and farmers.

  • IRS audits would more than double under Democrats’ supercharged IRS. The proposal will lead to an additional 1.2 million IRS audits each year, nearly half of which will hit middle class families making less than $75,000. All this so Democrats can wring an extra $200 billion out of the American people, particularly from middle-class families and small businesses.
  • Under the guise of closing the “tax gap,” President Biden has a proposal to spend $80 billion on an army of auditors and to turn local banks into chapters of the IRS to report on the gross transactions of your personal and business bank accounts.
  • There’s very little evidence suggesting the IRS estimate on unpaid taxes (dubbed the “tax gap”) is accurate, given that it may be based on data from seven years ago or wild guesses on foreign transactions, cryptocurrency, concealed income, and other sectors.

READ: Opposing Biden’s Bank Surveillance Scheme

READ: Dems’ Terrifying IRS Scheme Increases Audit Rates for Every American With a Job

Bottom Line: The Biden Administration has failed to help American taxpayers this tax filing season by not addressing the IRS’s backlog, and instead, by adding more to the agency’s plate and prioritizing a weaponized IRS.