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Democrats’ Sabotage of Our Recovery is Just Getting Started

June 22, 2021

President Biden and Democrats are sabotaging our economic recovery, writes Americans for Tax Reform’s Isabelle Morales.

From promising higher taxes and more runaway spending, Morales warns in an op-ed for the Washington Examiner that America’s economic recovery is at stake, writing:

“Democratic policies are ruining the economy. They have caused rising inflation and subsidized people not to work. If Biden and the Left have their way, things will only get worse, and families and businesses will be slugged with trillions in new taxes that will put jobs, wages, and competitiveness in jeopardy.”

Read the full op-ed HERE.


President Biden’s Tax Hikes Are A Broken Promise to Working Families.

  • According to the liberal Tax Policy Center, President Biden’s overall tax plan will raise taxes on 75 percent of middle-class families next year, rising to 95 percent of middle-class families by 2031.
  • Democrats’ supercharged second death tax on farms, factories, and other small businesses would destroy at least 800,000 jobs over 10 years while slashing workers’ paychecks.

Democrats’ War on Work is Crushing Main Street’s Hiring Efforts.

  • As Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) has pointed out, in the first five months of this year, the Biden Administration added 500,000 fewer jobs than the last five months of 2020 – some of which were during the height of Covid cases and deaths. That’s a half million jobs short.
  • As Morales notes: “With a vast majority of states and localities open, there is no reason for this lackluster job creation.”

Runaway Spending is Sending Consumer Prices Skyrocketing.

  • Democrats’ stealth tax is limiting the purchasing power of working families – reminding many Americans of the dog days of 1970s inflation.
  • With consumer prices jumping 5 percent – the fastest spike since the summer of 2008 – America’s working families are seeing their wage gains wiped out with increasing costs.
  • Even the top Obama-Biden economic recovery czar seems to think Democrats’ runaway spending should come to an end, tweeting: “We need to trim stimulus now!”

Read the full op-ed HERE.