Focus Of The Hearing
The hearing will examine the structure of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund and the Harbor Maintenance Tax, with an emphasis on investigating whether the structures of the Trust Fund – including both its financing source and the expenditure of its balances – are appropriately structured. Similarly, the hearing will consider whether U.S. anti-deferral rules inhibit the expansion of the U.S. shipping industry.
The Honorable Michael Strain
Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry
Mr. Gary LaGrange
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Port of New Orleans
Truth in Testimony
Mr. Steven A. Fisher
Executive Director, American Great Lakes Ports Association
Truth in Testimony
Mr. Morten Arntzen
President and Chief Executive Officer, Overseas Shipholding Group
Truth in Testimony
Mr. James C. McCurry, Jr.
Director of Administration, Georgia Ports Authority
Truth in Testimony
Mr. Michael Leone
Port Director, Massachusetts Port Authority
Truth in Testimony