Focus of the Hearing:
The hearing will focus on organizational and compliance issues related to public charities, including the increased complexity of public charity organizational structures, the rules governing profit-generating activities giving rise to unrelated business income tax, and whether the newly redesigned Form 990 is promoting increased compliance and transparency.
Witness List:
Panel 1:
The Honorable Steven T. Miller
Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement, Internal Revenue Service
Panel 2:
Ms. Eve Borenstein
Borenstein and McVeigh Law Office LLC
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. Thomas K. Hyatt
Partner, SNR Denton
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. John Colombo
Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Professor, University of Illinois College of Law
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. Donald Tobin
Associate Dean for Faculty and the Frank E. and Virginia H. Bazler Designated Professor in Business Law, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law
(Truth in Testimony)