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HEARING: Camp Announces Hearing on Tax Reform and the U.S. Manufacturing Sector

July 19, 2012

Focus Of The Hearing:
This hearing will examine how the current tax system affects U.S. manufacturers, including U.S.-based public and closely held companies as well as foreign-owned U.S. manufacturers, and how comprehensive tax reform might affect their ability to expand and create jobs.

Witness List:

Ms. Diane Dossin
Chief Tax Officer, Ford Motor Company
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Henry W. Gjersdal, Jr.
Vice President of Tax and Real Estate, 3M
(Truth in Testimony)

Ms. Susan L. Ford
Vice President of Tax, Corning Inc.
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Ralph E. Hardt
President, Jagemann Stamping Company
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Kim Beck
President and CEO, Automatic Feed Company, on behalf of the Association for Manufacturing Technology
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Hugh Spinks
Vice President of Tax, Air Liquide USA Inc.
(Truth in Testimony)

Ms. Heather Boushey, Ph. D.
Senior Economist, Center for American Progress
(Truth in Testimony)
