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HEARING: Camp Announces Hearing on the Treatment of Closely-Held Businesses in the Context of Tax Reform

March 07, 2012

Focus Of The Hearing:
The hearing will examine how the tax code affects closely-held businesses in particular, and how tax reform might improve their ability to grow and create jobs.  To this end, the hearing will consider how and under which sets of rules closely-held entities should be taxed, as well as general burdens imposed on closely-held businesses such as high compliance costs and tax rates.

Witness List:

Mr. Mark Smetana
Chief Financial Officer, Eby-Brown Company
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Dewey W. Martin, CPA
Testifying on the behalf of the National Federation of Independent Businesses
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Stefan F. Tucker
Partner, Venable, LLP
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Jeffrey L. Kwall
Kathleen and Bernard Beazley Professor of Law, Loyola University School of Law
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Tom Nichols
Meissner Tierney Fisher & Nichols S.C.
(Truth in Testimony)

Mr. Martin A. Sullivan
Contributing Editor, Tax Analysts
(Truth in Testimony)
