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HEARING: Chairman Boustany Announces First Hearing in Series on Moving America’s Families Forward

February 11, 2015

Hearing Advisory
This hearing will focus on current labor market trends and their impact on low-income families and individuals, trends in poverty in recent years, how changing family and household dynamics impact economic wellbeing, and how Federal policy may influence these issues.

Hearing Advisory

Witness List

Ron Haskins
Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution
(Truth in Testimony)

Scott Winship
Walter B. Wriston Fellow, Manhattan Institute
(Truth in Testimony)

W. Bradford Wilcox
Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
(Truth in Testimony)

Frances Deviney
Associate Director, Center for Public Policy Priorities
(Truth in Testimony)

Public Submissions For Record
Please click here to submit a statement or letter for the record.
