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HEARING: Chairman Johnson Announces the Fifth in a Hearing Series on Securing the Future of the Social Security Disability Insurance Program

September 14, 2012

Focus Of The Hearing:
The hearing will focus on options to address the key structural and fiscal challenges facing the disability program.

Witness List


Richard Burkhauser, Ph.D., Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and Adjunct
Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
(Truth in Testimony)

David C. Stapleton, Ph.D., Director, Center for Studying Disability Policy, Mathematica Policy Research
(Truth in Testimony)

Marty Ford, Director of Public Policy, The Arc of the United States, on behalf of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Social Security Task Force
(Truth in Testimony)

Daniel Bertoni, Director, Education, Workforce, and Income Security, Government Accountability Office

Jill Houghton, Executive Director, US Business Leadership Network
(Truth in Testimony)

Nadine Vogel, Founder and President, Springboard Consulting, Mendham, New Jersey, on behalf of the Society for Human Resource Management
(Truth in Testimony)

Chairman Johnson’s Opening Statement
