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HEARING: Boustany Announces Hearing on Improper Payments in the Administration of Refundable Tax Credits

May 25, 2011

Focus Of The Hearing:
The hearing will focus on the administration of refundable tax credits, with an emphasis on the level of improper payments attributable to refundable credits, and steps the IRS is taking to reduce the level of waste, fraud, and abuse related to these credits.

Witness List:
Mr. Steven Miller
Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement, Internal Revenue Service

Honorable J. Russell George
Treasury Inspector General for Taxpayer Administration, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Accompanied by Mike McKenney, Assistant Inspector General for Audit

Mr. Michael Brostek
Director, Tax Policy and Administration, Strategic Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office

Ms. Nina E. Olson
National Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue Service


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