Focus of the Hearing:
The hearing will consider the current menu of options for retirement savings – both with respect to employer-based defined contribution plans and with respect to IRAs. The hearing will explore whether, as part of comprehensive tax reform, various reform options could achieve the three goals of simplification, efficiency, and increasing retirement and financial security for American families.
Witness List:
Dr. Jack VanDerhei
Research Director, Employee Benefit Research Institute
(Truth in Testimony)
Ms. Judy A. Miller
Chief of Actuarial Issues and Director of Retirement Policy, American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. William Sweetnam
Principal, Groom Law Group
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. David John
Senior Research Fellow in Retirement Security and Financial Institutions, The Heritage Foundation
(Truth in Testimony)
Mr. Randy H. Hardock
Partner, Davis & Harman LLP, testifying on behalf of the American Benefits Council
(Truth in Testimony)