Focus Of The Hearing
The hearing will provide an opportunity to explore with Ambassador Froman current and future trade issues such as: (1) passing the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities Act of 2014; (2) seeking to conclude a successful Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement this year; (3) negotiating with the European Union for a comprehensive and ambitious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership; (4) negotiating a Trade in Services Agreement that increases access for all sectors of our economy; (5) improving our important trade relationship with major emerging economies like China, India, and Brazil, and addressing their trade barriers; (6) ensuring appropriate trade enforcement efforts; (7) advancing WTO negotiations, including “post-Doha” issues such as Information Technology Agreement expansion and an agreement for trade in environmental goods; (8) negotiating Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) with China, India, and others, and exploring new BITs and investment opportunities; (9) establishing long-term, closer ties with important trading partners; and (10) renewing the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences and other trade preference programs. `
Witness List
Ambassador Michael Froman
United States Trade Representative, Office of the United States Trade Representative