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HEARING: Chairman Johnson Announces Hearing on Social Security’s Finances

June 23, 2011

Focus Of The Hearing:
The hearing will focus on the sources of Social Security’s revenues, how those sources have changed over time, options for change and their impacts. 

Opening Statement

Witness List:

Thomas A. Barthold
Chief of Staff, Joint Committee on Taxation

Stephen C. Goss
Chief Actuary, Office of the Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration

Tim Lee
Texas Retired Teachers Association, on behalf of Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
Testimony        (Truth in Testimony)

Alex Brill
Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Testimony        (Truth in Testimony)

Mark J. Warshawsky, Ph.D.
Former Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S.Department of the Treasury
Testimony        (Truth in Testimony)

Andrew G. Biggs, Ph.D.
Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Testimony        (Truth in Testimony)


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