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HEARING: Markup of: H.R. 1891, “A bill to extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act, the Generalized System of Preferences, the preferential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for other purposes,”; H.R. 1890, “The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015,”; H.R. 1892, “A bill to extend the trade adjustment assistance program, and for other purposes,”; H.R. 1907, “A bill to reauthorize trade facilitation and trade enforcement functions and activities, and for other purposes.”

April 23, 2015

1100 Longworth House Office Building at 9:00 AM

Apr 23, 2015

Chairman Ryan has scheduled a Meeting of the Committee on Ways and Means to be held in 1100 Longworth House Office Building on Thursday, April 23, 2015, at 9:00 a.m.

Markup of:

  • H.R. 1891, “A bill to extend the African Growth and Opportunity Act, the Generalized System of Preferences, the preferential duty treatment program for Haiti, and for other purposes.”
  • H.R. 1890, “The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015.”
  • H.R. 1892, “A bill to extend the trade adjustment assistance program, and for other purposes.”
  • H.R. 1907, “A bill to reauthorize trade facilitation and trade enforcement functions and activities, and for other purposes.”

Additional Markup Materials:

H.R. 1891
H.R. 1890
H.R. 1892
H.R. 1907
H.R. 1891 Section-by-Section
H.R. 1890 Section-by-Section
H.R. 1892 Section-by-Section
H.R. 1907 Section-by-Section
Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1892
Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1907
WMC Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1892
JCT Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1892
WMC Description of Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 1907
Markup Results:

H.R. 1891 

Final Passage

H.R. 1891 was ordered favorably report to the House of Representatives by voice vote (with a quorum being present).

H.R. 1890

-Aamendment by Rangel to H.R. 1890, which would modify the scope of the ITC’s report on the effect of a trade agreement.
The vote on the amendment by Rangel to H.R. 1890, which would modify the scope of the ITC’s report on the effect of a trade agreement, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Becerra to H.R. 1890, which requires trade agreements to include an enforceable currency manipulation provision in order for a trade agreement to be considered under TPA procedures.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Becerra to H.R. 1890, which requires trade agreements to include an enforceable currency manipulation provision in order for a trade agreement to be considered under TPA procedures, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 24 nays to 14 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Neal and Mr. Larson to H.R. 1890, which would amend the currency negotiating objective to require it be subject to the same dispute settlement procedures as other provisions in the trade agreement.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Neal and Mr. Larson to H.R. 1890, which would amend the currency negotiating objective to require it be subject to the same dispute settlement procedures as other provisions in the trade agreement, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 24 nays to 14 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Lewis to H.R. 1890, which would allow human rights legislation to be included in trade agreement implementing bills and would require trade agreements to satisfy certain labor and human rights standards for TPA procedures to apply to that trade agreement.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Lewis to H.R. 1890, which would allow human rights legislation to be included in trade agreement implementing bills and would require trade agreements to satisfy certain labor and human rights standards for TPA procedures to apply to that trade agreement, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would require trade agreements to include a number of changes to the investment chapter in order for TPA procedures to apply.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would require trade agreements to include a number of changes to the investment chapter in order for TPA procedures to apply, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 25 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Becerra to H.R. 1890, which would exempt Medicare and Medicaid from ISDS disputes.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Becerra to H.R. 1890, which would exempt Medicare and Medicaid from ISDS disputes, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 25 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Thompson to H.R. 1890, which would amend the foreign investment negotiating objective.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Thompson to H.R. 1890, which would amend the foreign investment negotiating objective, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 25 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would among other things, require USTR to share negotiating texts with staff with appropriate security clearances.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would among other things, require USTR to share negotiating texts with staff with appropriate security clearances, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would require a trade agreement to include enforceable commitments to enforce seven multilateral environmental agreements in order for TPA procedures to apply.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Doggett to H.R. 1890, which would require a trade agreement to include enforceable commitments to enforce seven multilateral environmental agreements in order for TPA procedures to apply, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Thompson to H.R. 1890, which would require trade agreements to recognize issues related to climate change. 
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Thompson to H.R. 1890, which would require trade agreements to recognize issues related to climate change, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present). 

-Amendment by Mr. McDermott to H.R. 1890, which would shorten the length of time that TPA would apply to trade agreements, changing the end date to January 2017.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. McDermott to H.R. 1890, which would shorten the length of time that TPA would apply to trade agreements, changing the end date to January 2017, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 25 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present). 

-Amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would prohibit trade agreements that permit the import of food, feed, or food ingredients or products that do not meet or exceed U.S. standards with respect to food safety, pesticides, inspections, packaging, and labeling into the United States from a country that is a party to the trade agreement.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would prohibit trade agreements that permit the import of food, feed, or food ingredients or products that do not meet or exceed U.S. standards with respect to food safety, pesticides, inspections, packaging, and labeling into the United States from a country that is a party to the trade agreement, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present). 

-Amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would prohibit trade agreements that weaken, undermine, or necessitate the waiver of the Buy American Act 
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would prohibit trade agreements that weaken, undermine, or necessitate the waiver of the Buy American Act, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 14 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would require a trade agreement to contain strict rules of origin and a specific level of automotive product rules of origin, in order for TPA procedures to apply.
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which would require a trade agreement to contain strict rules of origin and a specific level of automotive product rules of origin, in order for TPA procedures to apply, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present). 

-Amendment by Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which expresses the sense of Congress that China should not join the Trans-Pacific Partnership until both chambers of Congress certifies that the country has not intervened in its exchange rate for a year and has fully transitioned to a market economy. 
-The vote on the amendment by Pascrell to H.R. 1890, which expresses the sense of Congress that China should not join the Trans-Pacific Partnership until both chambers of Congress certifies that the country has not intervened in its exchange rate for a year and has fully transitioned to a market economy, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 2 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Ms. Sanchez to H.R. 1890, which would restrict TPA procedures from being applies to trade agreements with any party that has a penal case punishing the LGBT community.
-The vote on the amendment by Ms. Sanchez to H.R. 1890, which would restrict TPA procedures from being applies to trade agreements with any party that has a penal case punishing the LGBT community, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 22 nays to 15 yeas (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. Ryan to H.R. 1890, which would address boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel and move the overall negotiating objective on capacity building, rule of law, and the role of internationally recognized human rights to a principal negotiating objective. 
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Ryan to H.R. 1890, which would address boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel and move the overall negotiating objective on capacity building, rule of law, and the role of internationally recognized human rights to a principal negotiating objective, was agreed to by voice vote (with a quorum being present). 

Final Passage

-The bill H.R. 1890 was ordered favorably reported as amended to the House of Representatives by a roll call vote of 25 yeas to 13 nays (with a quorum being present). 

H.R. 1892

-The vote on the motion by Mr. Tiberi to table Mr. Crowley’s motion to appeal the ruling of the Chair was agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 13 nays (with a quorum being present).

-Amendment by Mr. McDermott to H.R. 1892, which would increase funding for the “TAA for Firms” program from $16 million to $50 million 
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. McDermott to H.R. 1892, which would increase funding for the “TAA for Firms” program from $16 million to $50 million, was not agreed to by a roll call vote of 23 nays to 13 yeas (with a quorum being present).

Final Passage

H.R. 1892 was ordered reported as amended without recommendation to the House of Representatives by voice vote (with a quorum being present).

H.R. 1907

-Amendment by Mr. Boustany to H.R. 1907, which would ensure that post-liquidation interest received from payments collected under a customs bond is available, where eligible, for the distribution to domestic producers in accordance with CDSOA.  This amendment prohibits Customs from transferring to the General Treasury any payment received under a bond so that it is available to be distributed to domestic producers, where applicable 
-The vote on the amendment by Mr. Boustany to H.R. 1907, which would ensure that post-liquidation interest received from payments collected under a customs bond is available, where eligible, for the distribution to domestic producers in accordance with CDSOA.  This amendment prohibits Customs from transferring to the General Treasury any payment received under a bond so that it is available to be distributed to domestic producers, where applicable, was agreed to by voice vote (with a quorum being present).

Final Passage

-H.R. 1907 was ordered favorably report as amended to the House of Representatives by voice vote (with a quorum being present).