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Markup of Legislative Proposals to Comply with the Reconciliation Directive Included in Section 2002 of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, S. Con. Res. 14.

September 09, 2021

Meeting Information
Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 10:00 AM in Room 1100 of the Longworth House Office Building.

Notice of Meeting


Subtitle A – Universal Paid Family and Medical Leave

Subtitle B – Retirement 

Subtitle C – Childcare Access and Equity 

Subtitle D – Trade Adjustment Assistance

Part 1 of Subtitle E – Health Profession Opportunity Grants

Part 2 of Subtitle E – Elder Justice

Part 3 of Subtitle E – Skilled Nursing Facilities

Part 4 of Subtitle E – Medicare Dental, Hearing, and Vision Coverage