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Notice of Meeting to Consider Draft Implementing Proposals for the Colombia, Panama and South Korea Trade Agreements 

July 07, 2011

Notice of Meeting to Consider Draft Implementing Proposals for the Colombia, Panama and South Korea Trade Agreements

Results Of The Non-Markup:

“The United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act” was agreed to, as amended, by role call vote “of 22 yeas, 15 nays”.

“The United States-Korea Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act” was agreed to, as amended, by role call vote of 22 yeas, 15 nays”.

“The United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act” was agreed to, as amended, by role call vote “of 22 yeas, 14 nays”.

An amendment offered by Mr. McDermott to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to “The United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act” titled, “Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011”, was not agreed to by roll call vote “of 15 yeas, 22 nays”.

An amendment offered by Mr. Levin to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to “The United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act” which would implement the “Colombian Action Plan Related to Labor Rights, of April 7, 2011”, was not agreed to by roll call vote “of 13 yeas, 22 nays”.

Meeting Materials:

Draft Implementing Proposal, H.R. ___, “The United States-Colombia Trade
Promotion Agreement Implementation Act”

Statement of Administrative Action of Draft Implementing Proposal, “The United
States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act”

Draft Implementing Proposal, H.R. ___, “The United States-Panama Trade Promotion
Agreement Implementation Act”

Statement of Administrative Action of Draft Implementing Proposal, “The United
States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act”

Draft Implementing Proposal, H.R. ___, “The United States-South Korea Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act”

Statement of Administrative Action of Draft Implementing Proposal, “The United
States-South Korea Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act”

Additional Material:

CBO Table – FTA Estimates for Ways and Means

Colombia Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Colombia SAA Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Colombia Green Sheet

U.S.-Colombia Section-by-Section

Korea Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Korea SAA Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Korea Green Sheet

U.S.-South Korea Section-by-Section

Panama Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Panama SAA Draft Implementing Proposal Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute

Panama Green Sheet

U.S.-Panama Section-by-Section

Click here to view archive video of business meeting