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MARKUP: Markup on Bills to Protect Children and Taxpayer Identity

April 28, 2016

Markup Details
Thursday, April 28, 2016, at 10:00 AM in the Longworth House Office Building

Markup of:


Additional Markup Materials:


Markup Results
The bill, H.R. 3209 was ordered favorably reported to the House of Representatives as amended by a voice vote (with a quorum being present).
The bill, H.R. 5053, was ordered favorably reported to the House of Representatives as amended by a roll call vote of 23 yeas to 15 nays (with a quorum being present).
Amendment offered by Mr. Lewis to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 3832, which would strike section 5(a) of the bill, thereby removing a new criminal penalty for identity theft-related tax fraud.
The amendment was agreed to by voice vote (with a quorum being present)
Amendment offered by Mr. Pascrell to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 3832, which would create a local law enforcement liaison within the Criminal Investigative Division of the IRS to administer information-sharing initiatives and respond to local law enforcement inquiries.
The amendment was agreed to by voice vote (with a quorum being present)
Amendment offered by Mr. Pascrell to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 3832, which would require a TIGTA report on solutions to the IRS phone scam, and require the IRS to provide information over the phone on such scams if taxpayers are on hold with the IRS call center.
The amendment was agreed to by voice vote (with a quorum being present)
The bill, H.R. 3832 was ordered favorably reported to the House of Representatives as amended by a voice vote (with a quorum being present).