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Fact Check: President Biden Repeats False Claim That His Plan Would Create 16 Million Jobs

May 10, 2021

Republicans support spending on real infrastructure, but not job-killing tax hikes that fund wasteful spending. Yet President Biden continued to repeat misleading claims at a Thursday event in which he claimed that America needs his $2.7 trillion spending bill and tax hikes, on top of his “Crushing American Families Plan.”

  • President Biden once again repeated the false claim that his infrastructure plan would create 16 million jobs. As the Associated Press said: “The infrastructure plan is not expected to create anything close to 19 million jobs in less than a decade.” The real number? 700,000. Even his own Transportation Secretary has had to acknowledge that the economy will add 16.3 million jobs by 2030 without Biden’s $2.7 trillion in new spending.
  • Despite calling it an infrastructure plan, President Biden’s spending plan only spends 7 percent on roads and bridges like the one he spoke in front of—but unlike his claims, the majority of these funds are likely to go to cities, not rural communities. According to a POLITICO chart, of his $2.7 trillion plan, only $137 billion would go towards rural communities over several years.
  • This follows a new study revealing that President Biden’s “Crush American Families” Plan will stick hardworking taxpayers with a $2.5 trillion tab—$700 billion more than he claimed.
  • Biden was also corrected by the Washington Post for misleadingly claiming that Moody’s said his so-called stimulus plan passed in March would create 7 million jobs, when it would create a little more than half that.

Americans don’t want wasteful spending, and they don’t want to be misled. That’s why a new poll shows that bipartisan opposition to President Biden’s spending is surging.