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FACT CHECKED: News Organizations Call Out Democrats’ False Claims about the American Health Care Act

May 22, 2017

As Republicans in Congress work with the Trump Administration to fix our broken health care system and improve lives for the American people, fact checkers across the country are exposing Democrats’ false claims about the American Health Care Act.

False Claim: 129 million people with preexisting conditions “could be denied coverage” under the GOP health bill.
Fact Checked by the Washington Post: “We initially rated this claim as Three Pinocchios. Considering the totality of Harris’s statement, claiming that as many as 129 million could be denied coverage, we are changing the rating on this fact check to Four Pinocchios.”


False Claim: The GOP health bill classifies rape or sexual assault as a preexisting condition.
Fact Check by the Washington Post: “The notion that AHCA classifies rape or sexual assault as a preexisting condition, or that survivors would be denied coverage, is false.”

False Claim: Congress is exempt from the G.O.P. health bill.
Fact Checked by the New York Times“A separate bill offered by Representative Martha E. McSally, Republican of Arizona, eliminated the congressional exemption from the House health plan. Her bill was overwhelmingly approved by the House — meaning that Congress will live by the same health care rules as other Americans.” 

False Claim: Seven million veterans will lose their tax credit under the GOP health bill.
Fact Checked by the Washington Post: “Republicans have stressed that they want current protections to remain, even if Obamacare is repealed; it’s an issue only because of the parliamentary tactics they have chosen. They’re now taking steps to turn the current IRS protections into law.”

False Claim: Insurance companies will be able to deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions.
Fact Checked by “Insurers would still be required to offer plans to anyone regardless of preexisting conditions.”

CLICK HERE to learn more about how the American Health Care Act will fix our broken health care system and help all Americans access quality, affordable care.