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Failure of Stimulus Leads Millions of Americans to Ask…“Where Are the Jobs?”

July 22, 2010

  1. Democrats promised their stimulus would create millions of jobs.  It hasn’t. 
      1. Democrats promised stimulus would create 3.7 million jobs.  It hasn’t.  
      2. Instead, through June 2010 the U.S. lost 2.6 million more private sector jobs, leading millions of Americans to ask “where are the jobs?”
      3. Overall 47 out of 50 states have lost jobs since Democrats’ February 2009 stimulus. 
      4. No wonder more Americans think Elvis is alive than believe stimulus created jobs
  2. Democrats promised stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%.  It hasn’t.
      1. Instead unemployment reached 10% and remains stuck near that level today.
      2. In addition to that high official unemployment, over three million other Americans simply dropped out of the labor force – what some call the “missing” unemployed.
  3. The flood of deficit spending from Democrats’ policies has driven the debt to an astonishing $13 trillion.  That debt is so huge it is already hurting job creation. 
      1. Using the Administration’s own forecasts, the surge in debt caused by stimulus and other Democrat policies has already destroyed 1 million jobs.
      2. Unemployment and debt have soared by a combined 60% since President Obama took office.  That’s an “Obama Misery Index” that reflects current and future damage caused by Democrats’ failed policies.
  4. While the job situation seems to have finally stopped getting worse, the trickle of private sector job creation in 2010 is so anemic that at the current rate it would take until 2017 to recover the jobs lost during the recession. 
      1. That’s longer than it took to recover jobs lost during the Depression of the 1930s.
      2. Others say it will take until 2021 to get unemployment back to pre-recession levels.
  5. However, Democrats’ agenda has helped one industry – government. 
      1. Managing all that spending helped government jobs grow by 201,000 since stimulus, helping to make the Washington, D.C. area “the nation’s strongest job market.” 
      2. Meanwhile construction (-853,000) and manufacturing (-707,000) jobs across the U.S. have plummeted, despite Democrats’ promises they would grow by a combined 1.1 million.
