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Global Tax Hike is Not a Victory for America: It’s a Surrender

June 08, 2021

Top Republican on the Ways and Means Committee Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) today joined Your World on Fox News to discuss how President Biden’s 15 percent global tax will hand over American jobs to our competitors.


In a conversation with David Asman, Rep. Brady said, “We don’t need more stimulus and endless government checks. We need less Joe Biden. If we had less of his policies, our economy would be moving on much more strongly.”



CLICK HERE to watch the full interview.





READ: Family of 4 Getting $109,048 in COVID Government Checks Already Approved by Congress


  • President Biden’s Global Tax Hike Is a Surrender of American Jobs. The Biden Administration knows that $6 trillion in new tax hikes will send jobs fleeing overseas. To mitigate this self-inflicted sabotage of our economy, they’re asking foreign countries to raise their rates, too.


WATCH: Tax Hikes Will Land on American Families



WATCH: There Couldn’t Be a Worse Time to Raise Taxes on Working Families